It is the season for you to write your vision down on paper. God wants to shift you from talking about your vision to become your vision. 


Writing is your golden key to manifestation. It is more likely for your goal, plan, or business to come to pass when you write it down. It is proven when you write your dreams on paper, they are 5 times more likely to manifest. 


By writing it will allow you to operate powerfully in a three-dimensional realm! Your Angel of Inspiration is going to help you SEE, THINK & WRITE your vision of prosperity and dominion, in the mighty name of Jesus!


These anointed steps will help you defeat the attacks of the enemy because there are going to be specific people, places and events the enemy will use to avert you from SEEING, THINKING and WRITING your vision. It is time to rebuke that wayward spirit, in Jesus’ Name!


Have faith and trust in God that your Angel of Inspiration will help you begin to formulate your thoughts and write them on paper. A success idea will suddenly appear in your mind as you do this. It is part of the spectacular vision you’re going to make plain in your life!


There will be an incredible outpouring of God’s wisdom and abundance over your life that will walk you through your most challenging seasons, but you must believe in God!


The Lord says, “This is a season where you must not be fooled or tricked by the schemes of the enemy because he would love for you to put your pen down, walk away and say this is foolish. The Lord says, “I use the foolish things to confound the wise!”


Lift your hands wherever you are right now because the Lord is doing a makeover in your checking account and those of your immediate family! God is anointing your household for increase! 


DECREE and DECLARE divine multiplication is on the horizon for you!

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