Abundant life as Christ described it is the life of God Himself. he places the new spiritual life within the individual the moment he responds to God’s grace and believes on Christ as his personal Savior. That is the beginning of a new life for one who was spiritually dead in trespasses and sins.

God plants His life in the person who hears the Word of God and believes. The believer increasingly enters into the experience of the new spiritual life by believing and yielding to Christ. It is like a spring of water that perpetually springs up in an abundant flow from resources deep within. The Christian is to live in an abundant way of life now.

“it in I am come that you may have life, and keep on having abundance” (John

Are we living in God’s abundance? We can be a Christian and miss the abundant life. God invites us to enter into it increasingly as we trust in Jesus to change our life daily. This overflowing life is Christ living His life out in us as we make ourself available to God and trust Him to new areas of spiritual growth.

If we will allow Him to lead us to the fullness of the Christian life we will find our table in His presence prepared, our heads anointed with His pure oil, and our cups overflowing with His wine of joy. The abundant life assures us that we can experience God’s blessings in this life and heaven, too. We can enter into the fullness of our great salvation today, and we will experience God’s goodness forever.

Master Prophet believe that the life God gives is overflowing in rising waves of a spiritual tide. It is like a river overflowing its banks in which nothing can suppress it. God’s favor toward us is unending because God gives a genuine unending supply. Learn how to have a abundant life with God, through Master Prophet, get your free prophecy now.

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