1Our prayer is powerful. It is true that prayers can move mountains. There are things that can be changed through prayers. Our faith in God can transform a bad situation to an acceptable one. God wants us all to pray. It is our only way of talking to Him.

To pray does not only mean to ask God about things that we want to have or achieve but it also means to thank him and give praise to him. God wants us to pray in order to extend help to other people. There is no greater encouragement that we can offer to someone other than our sincere prayers.

People who may be struggling really need prayers but they can certainly feel encouraged if you will let them know that you are actually praying for them. There may be times that you cannot help a person who may be financially needy but you can help him or her rather through your prayers. Big things can be sustained through praying. As it was written in the bible, “‘Here’s what I’m saying: Ask and you’ll get; Seek and you’ll find; Knock and the door will open.”

So what are you waiting for? Start your journey of a beautiful prayer life today. Click here and receive your free prophecy as well.

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