Prophets have a distinct obligation to lead a righteous life. They are God’s messengers and with this ministry, they have a higher level of accountability in the way they live their lives. The ritual elements and sacerdotal institutions are merely secondary, as their human side is always emphasized. If a prophet conducts his personal affairs in the manner that goes against God’s standards, he is committing an adulterous act violating his covenant with God. The prophetic protocol serves as the established code based on the Word of God in governing the affairs of the prophetic ministry.
The prophets in today’s church minister to the church at large. They primarily operate within the spiritual gift of prophecy. Some do not serve in the church ministry full time, but possess this spiritual gift; while others are called to be the ministry of the prophet as a primary calling.
According to Dupont (2012), an established prophet does not only operate in the gift of prophecy, but he or she carries seasonal prophetic burdens and messages from God to the wider church, the society, and sometimes to the nations. These prophets are described to rebuke or to warn the church, with a message of grace, as postured within the heart of the Father. Prophetic protocol prevents these prophets from submitting these rebukes with the intention to police or to restrict members of the church or recipients of the message of God.
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