Today, the Lord wants to share with you one of the most upstanding truths: Once you decide what you want, you must begin to think and say,“I CAN”, over the words, “I CAN’T”. Whenever you say “I CAN”, the Holy Spirit will begin to stir up DIVINE ACTION inside of you!
I’m sure you’ll agree that “I CAN” are words of ACTION! And action, like everything else in life, begins with a thought, an idea, and a belief. The affirmation “I CAN” promises action. You can’t say, “I CAN” and just sit there and do nothing. You need to jump up and start DOING!
Your TO-DO LIST in life is a direct reflection of your “I CAN” ingredients, which are called ACTIONS! It is important that you understand that the world belongs to those who take action. What follows “I CAN” is extremely important. Whatever you add to even a single “I CAN” will come about! You can be, do and have whatever you desire!
There will be many times in your life that call for you to personally declare “I CAN” with action. While it is possible that many things could go wrong, you simply have to face your fear and do it in faith. Can you trust God to do what He says He’ll do to get you to your breakthrough?
When you declare “I CAN” in the presence of your circumstances, God will begin to DO it for you. With one “I CAN”, God simply begins TO DO!
Declare within yourself, “I CAN DO IT”, and soon, you will see your miracle immediately begin to take place. As you begin to execute the instantaneous words “I CAN”, the Holy Spirit is going to begin to intervene and open you up to new experiences, because you will use the right ingredients called RIGHT ACTION to walk into open doors of favor!