Can we Find Love?
Many of us believe the can,it is nor easy to find true love. We have high expectation for love that no person can ever meet them, and when that happens we can give up, and thinking we will never get the kind of love that we want, we can turn to someplace unexpected: God
Many of us have a wrong idea about God’s love for us. We think it is based on our performance. If it were not a single human being would qualify. God’s love is based on grace, a free gift for us, but paid for at a terrible price by Jesus Christ. When Jesus Christ voluntarily sacrificed himself on the the cross to pay for our sin, we become acceptable to his Father through Jesus Christ merit, not our own. Jesus Christ accepted by God’s will transfer to us if we believe in him.
When is Comes to God’s Love
Bishop Jordan believes that there are no “ifs” when it comes to God’s love. We do not have a license to go out and sin as much as we want, as a loving Father, God will discipline us. And sin has consequences and once we accept Christ we have God’s love his unconditional love for eternity. And when we were trying to find love, we will have to agree we wont get that kind of devotion from another person. Our love has limits. God’s does not.
“Dear friends. Let us love one another, love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.”(1 John 4:7)